The STITCH furniture and art procurement experience brings your dream home to life. We understand that every piece contributes to the overall ambiance and functionality of your space. In many ways, the furniture and art package can provide the finishing details that drive home the story you want to express.

With our expertise, we'll guide you through the selection process, ensuring that every item aligns seamlessly with your aesthetic preferences, lifestyle requirements, and budget, resulting in a personalized haven that reflects your unique style and meets your practical needs. We can do the research for you or take you along on showroom visits and tours of our favorite manufacturers and galleries.

Our team most often provides procurement as the final phase of our complete, full-service interior design package; however, we also offer standalone services. From one off rooms to residences over 10,000 square feet, our team is here for you. 

Center Grove Residence is a great example of blending modern, timeless furniture pieces with custom works by North Carolina craftspeople.